Cosmic horizon definition
Cosmic horizon definition

Yet recent theories suggest that there is far more to the universe than what. Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems. At present time, with $H(t)=67.8 $ km/(s. The observable universe, the part we can see with telescopes, is incredibly vast. There are three widely used definitions of cosmological horizons, which are limits imposed by cosmology to how far away we can see.

cosmic horizon definition

If we consider a fixed distance $D$, we can calculate the limit value, for a given t, such as $DH(t)=c$. $$\fracD(t) = H(t) D(t)$, and this is the Hubble law. A cosmic event horizon is a real event horizon because it affects all kinds of signals, including gravitational waves, which travel at the speed of light.

cosmic horizon definition

I have calculated that if one extends a rigid ruler into space by a fixed proper distance $D$ then a clock at the end of the ruler, running on proper time $\tau$, will run more slowly than time $t$ at the origin by a time dilation factor: Notice that the particle horizon takes into account only the past events with respect to A.

Cosmic horizon definition